
Hey all… Myself Aathira and I’m from Kerala, India. I love reading from my school life. My favourite genres are Mythology fiction, Fantasy and Thriller. But I also read other genres outside my favourites. I’m so happy to be a part of WFIB Blogging family.

It’s good to know each other.

Author – Khushbu Shah

Assistant professor by profession but author and book reader by heart.

She has done Masters in Computer application and published her stories in two Anthology books published by StroyMirror and Shopizen.

She likes to write fictional stories and reviews of good book.

On this platform you can read inspirational stories and reviews of some truly amazing books in her blog posts.

She believes “A pen is mightier than sword , words are sharper than knife ” and tries to reflect it in her writing.

You can also check her book reviews on her Instagram handle.

Self Introduction

I am Anuj Tiwari. I am in my 20s. I am a reading nerd as well as an engineer student. I have been writing blog since a year. I am also a book blogger on Instagram which is actually known as Bookstagram. My booksta profile name is Bookswithanuj where I share amazing content related to books.(Insta link)

I also love to write poems and short stories. You will find some of my short stories here on this site very soon. I am also a Motivational speaker. I love to motivate others whenever possible.

I am born and brought up in Mumbai and my home town is near Varanasi in Up. Talking about my family I have my parents along with my older brother.

I love to share motivational content. Soon I will be sharing with you some amazing articles related to motivate, self help etc.

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